Ontario’s HST kicks in two months early
Talk about sneaky.
Although Ontario's new HST doesn't officially come into effect until July 1, many shoppers will have to deal with the revamped sales tax this weekend.
As of May 1, anyone buying goods or services that will actually be used after the HST kicks in will have to pay the extra sales tax – even though they're making the purchase two full months before the published deadline.
What it means is that on Saturday you’ll pay a 13%, instead of 5%, sales tax on things like airline or train tickets for fall travel, gym or golf memberships and theatre subscriptions.
Many businesses and entertainment outlets, such as the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, have been advising customers that they have a limited window to purchase their tickets without the added 8% tax.
And that window closes tonight.
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Bushman | May 1, 2021 12:00:02 PM
Posted by: Bushman | May 1, 2021 12:02:15 PM
When we going to Queen's Park?
I'm in!
Posted by: Ross | May 1, 2021 12:08:36 PM
It is just to bad we as Canadaians can't all pull together and change the way decisions are made at all levels of government. What is really sad is that we have no say in how much our representives make. There should be a pay freeze and a indepentant study done on how much these people are allowed to make. I say Mcginty and Harper should be brought to a public meeting forum and have to explain why everything we purchase should be taxed...We need to stop electing lawyers as polotians and start having the ever day worker run this country....Canada could be the next SUPER POWER if only we would tell our American neighbours to get out of Canada and start barrelling fresh water and sell it around the world for a $1000 a barrell no exceptions.We all as humans need fresh water and Canada owns a vast amount of it,not the Americans...It is high time we stood up to American pressures to do as THEY want and take back our resources for our profit. Harper is not the person to do this, he has proven he has no back bone...
Posted by: Jimmy | May 1, 2021 12:17:08 PM
Isn't that the point ... these items weren't subject to PST before but now they are -- 2 months earlier than expected
Posted by: Tommy | May 1, 2021 12:23:16 PM
Canadians to take to the streets and riot against the gov't? That'll be the day! We are too polite to do that! We might upset someone or do something wrong, no, no, that's not nice. We just have to put up with being brainwashed by the gov't and do what we're told, you know, hold a door open for someone, say please and thank you. We like getting bent over!
I don't know if we'll ever wake up and take control of this country. Canadians are so naive!
Posted by: Brian EP | May 1, 2021 12:31:29 PM
When you see the pictures of famous people who contributed to much of what you have,and now with smokes air brushed out in most of the pictures you know who the sickos are.
Posted by: the purple helmet | May 1, 2021 12:38:22 PM
Canadians are so subdued In England when they brought in the poll tax the brits starting smashing store fronts protesting daily, we should start protesting in Canada without the smashing of course!!
Posted by: Al | May 1, 2021 12:41:17 PM
What a bunch of losers. Ignorant losers. Anything new, and you start your name calling and put-
downs. Your all pathetic. The goverbment has not gone into this blind-folded. Fine, you can shoot your mouths off now, but when it shows the good qualities, you will fade into the background. Typical, usual, malcontents. Al
Posted by: Tommy | May 1, 2021 12:53:54 PM
Yeah, there you go "without the smashing of course" there's the friendly Canadian!
You might break a nail.
Grow a backbone dude and take your balls out of your purse!
Posted by: Bushman | May 1, 2021 12:59:17 PM
I asked, when are we going to rally at queen's park?...everyone is complaining, nobody has answered me, let's rally now!
The time is now, not after July 1st when we won't be able to afford the gas to get to Toronto!
I just looked up "stop the HST Ont" on the internet and I found a petition started forever ago and it only has about 1100 signatures...how pathetic! Everybody has to join together now! Like I said, lets pick a date, go to Toronto, and protest! Hell, I'll go everyday if I'm not alone, lets go!
It's time for a change!
Posted by: Grace | May 1, 2021 1:06:20 PM
I don't know where the term disposable income comes from. I don't have income to dispose of.
Posted by: Tamara | May 1, 2021 1:06:23 PM
Al, you should follow your own advice in regards to name calling are you pathetic? Discussing and bringing issues to light is what intelligent people do. Instead of sitting around and having a basic tunnel view which it seems your's is everyone is stupid but you!
Posted by: Tamara | May 1, 2021 1:08:11 PM
It's simple, you are an employee, who answers to a boss. Who does our government answer to? Us the ones who pay them!
Posted by: Bushman | May 1, 2021 1:10:03 PM
Hey "A1", your comment is garbage!
Show me how higher tax is going to show its "good quality's" Go tell me business is going to pass a profit down to the consumer or go ahead and tell me McGuinty is going to give me something in return for paying more tax on a used boat or used car!
Don't like the name calling either, keep that to yourself A1!
Posted by: Jane | May 1, 2021 1:16:26 PM
Legalized thievery!!! If the government can't be responsible with the money we give them now, what makes me think they'll be any more responsible with the money they are stealing from us.
Anyone else thinking of the "health care tax" implemented the same year they took health care services from us?
Posted by: Tommy | May 1, 2021 1:17:45 PM
The thing is this Al, we employ and put theses people in office. In essence they work for us, the people and in a democracy that we live in, most people have a problem with this as you can see with all of these comments. There should have been a referendum or have this brought to a vote and let us decide what we want. No one ask me or you which direction we want to take or what the best choice is or any ideas brought to the table.
This is ignorant..... ignoring the situation at hand. You need to ask yourself "why are the people upset"? and what do we need to do to correct this or make things better for everyone.
Posted by: Tommy | May 1, 2021 1:39:40 PM
I don'y know how many of you are still reading these comments but go and view related phots or videos on May Day marches in Europe especially Greece. have a look and learn how things have to be done, its a shame but this is what we have come to, but we have no other choice, people are fed up. And do you know what caused the situation in Greece to be so bad?? because most people don't know, they think its just the economy. Its because the previous Greek Prime Minisiter and his Ministers run up a deficit in the billions and created a melt down that brought the country to its knees. They took money and lined their pockets, their families pockets and all their friends pockets and most have them have fled the country. Now what is the new PM left do do? deal with the previous crap left behind like Obama is doing!
There needs to be a law in all countries that previous adminitrations have to be accountable for wrong doings while in office!!! I can't stress this enough because it will keep happening.
Posted by: Lisa | May 1, 2021 1:59:37 PM
THANKYOU very much to "bushman" for telling us about the site "stop the HST ONT." Thankyou so much. I am so thankful.
PLEASE everyone, go to STOP THE HST ONT...and sign the petition to stop the HST!! Then, on the next election, PLEASE DON'T vote LIBERAL!
To answer someone else...Mr. Harper DID freeze the government salaries! Mr. Harper HAS stood by HIS policies. The HST IS Dalton McGuinty!! Get rid of Dalton McGuinty!!
Posted by: Tamara | May 1, 2021 2:00:28 PM
Should we march in the streets? Then we would look like vigilantis, instead of taking a larger view.
Why not use the broadest scope available. The internet to gather Canadians together to send overwhelming amounts of emails to our MPs voicing our opinions. Then with doing that we would gain the attention of news media all over the country. What we need to do at the same time is take action to fire our so called government employees and hire someone who wants to listen to us. Just some thoughts, maybe no the best. My whole point being, we could sit and mull over the issues all day long with no action in place. I agree can we all come up with some idea in which to get action?
Posted by: allan | May 1, 2021 2:07:34 PM
I Like to point out as of July 1st 2010 the HST in Nova Scotia will be 15%. THE HIGHEST IN NORTH AMERICA. We as canadians send too much money to the third world lets look after Canadians first.