Ontarians: how do you feel about your HST rebate cheque?
If you’re an Ontario resident and don’t earn Lionel Messi-like money, chances are you’ve opened up the mailbox to an HST rebate cheque sometime over the past week.
What you’ve done with it, though, is another matter.
To most Ontarians – and, especially, B.C. residents – the HST is a thorn in your side. It’s a tax grab of the highest order, something that’ll make your gas, heat and tobacco costs soar.
But a rebate cheque at a time when money is tight is, well, a rebate cheque at a time when money is tight. In the long run, this may be your own money that’s being awarded to you, but in the short-term, it’s still money.
So while we contemplate what to do with our HST rebates, it’s worth sorting out just how Ontarians feel about the cheques in the first place.
As has been well documented, Ontario residents are kind of passive over the HST compared to British Columbians. B.C. taxpayers have such a fury over the July 1 move to the Harmonized Sales Tax they’ve almost landed a referendum to reverse the plan.
Though that’s not to say Ontarians are totally lying down. Many are opposed to the HST and, most recently, the rebate cheques sent out by Dalton McGuinty.
“I have just received my HST rebate cheque for $100 which I will return … uncashed and voided,” writes Nepean, Ont., resident Birte Ertmann to the Ottawa Citizen.
“No thank you, I am afraid I cannot afford to accept this attempt to bribe me with my own tax dollars. I encourage all Ontarians to take the same measures.”
McGuinty himself must take offense to such a philosophy. The Premier has been adamant in enforcing his “but the move to HST will create almost 600,000 jobs and decrease your personal income taxes” stance.
But is anyone buying it?
Ontarians: what do you make of the HST rebate cheques, and what will you do with yours?
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: marie | Jun 15, 2021 4:24:43 PM
Funny how the MPs voted in favour of their own pay increase... DUH!!! anyone will vote in favour if they were getting a pay increase...it should be the CANADIANS deciding if they get a pay increase or not..this is ridiculous..it is my tax dollars...i am soo angry and frustrated..i have lost all my faith in Canadian government..
Posted by: deb | Jun 15, 2021 4:26:11 PM
I am a single parent of a teenager.Because I make under 160000 $ I get a 100 $.I don't see how my 32000$ even compares.Obviously the 100$ helps buy some grocery's this week but it won't begin to cover the tax on my bills for the next year.What a laugh this is I can't wait for an election to get that moron out of office.I wish he could try to live on my income raise a child & pay a morgage for a couple years.he soon see reality
Posted by: al | Jun 15, 2021 4:34:52 PM
This is definitely unacceptable form the Liberals. I am a liberal and so is my family. I can tell you that I will never vote for them again!
My HST cheque will go to USA for shopping and while I am at it we will buy more with the income that Dalton has not taken away. I hope other Ontarions do as well.
Posted by: Former Ontario Resident | Jun 15, 2021 4:40:49 PM
The Ontario government can save well over a BILLION dollars a year by cutting back the tax dollars it hands out to the CAS (Children Aid Society) of that province. That society is a private corporation with no accountability or oversight on its spending habits. It is being funded by Ontario tax payers and is not a government organization. The money they spend on lawyers to tie up the court system itself is outrageous. Check out www.afterfostercare.ca/ or www.fixcas.com/news/now/news.htm The government of Ontario could easily save money if they actually had checks and balances in place with the organizations they fork it over to. In BC they seem to stand up and fight the government when they believe wrong is being done but it just looks like people in Ontario drop their drawers and bend on over and take it. $100 is not going to make up for what you are going to be forking over and the poor and middle class are the ones who yet again are going to suffer under this dictatorship of McGuiltys.
Posted by: Zakimar | Jun 15, 2021 4:53:07 PM
Before we all get too worked up about the HST, ALL Canadians should look into the "Kosher TAX" we are all forced to pay on hundreds of items at the grocery store EVERY DAY for DECADES. The Zionist jew controlled media threatens boycotts and bad publicity for any company that doesn't pay the jew rabbis BILLIONS to "bless" our food, dish washing soap, aluminum foil, dog food... Yes that's right, we are even forced to pay this tax on DOG FOOD which the jews demand be kosher (I didn't realize that so many jews eat dog food; soap and aluminum foil). This money goes primarily to fund APARTHEID Israel and kill and occupy more Palestinian children. EVERYONE should call the 1-800 number on most packaging and DEMAND the company STOP charging us fr the Kosher Tax. Check at the bottom front of most packages for a "K"; kosher; parvene; "U"; COR (council of rabbis)... all are symbols indicating that WE have to pay for this tax.
Stop terrorism : BOYCOTT Israel and USA
Posted by: Margaret | Jun 15, 2021 4:53:51 PM
Will Canada ever follow the example of the United States and have laws so that we can recall all of these politicians who keep sticking it to the poor middle class citizens? I'm a widow on a fixed pension and can barely make ends meet now and after HST is implemented I will probably have to sell the home I have lived in for the last 40 years and in which I planned to spend my final years. It will cost the government more to subsidize the care of all seniors like me who can't afford a decent retirement home than they will make by robbing us of our meager pensions and comfortable final years of our lives. It's a sad commentary on our society when people who worked all their lives to have comfort in our final years are taxed to death and even again after death.
Posted by: Bob the builder | Jun 15, 2021 4:55:50 PM
HI I am a general contractor. What is the big deal about the HST. Instead of charging 5% to a client I now have to charge 12%. The so called HST. They say it is supposed to benefit me as a builder. Adding the extra 7% may not be affordable for a prospective client. Then I and my employees may be out of a job.
Hello people the GST just went up to 12%.
Posted by: TOO MUCH TAX | Jun 15, 2021 4:56:35 PM
I definitely WON'T be voting for McGuinty and in fact will be campaigning against him. While Ontario is already desperate for cash due to his spending, he feels a new tax will make it better - maybe for him, but NOT for us.
Posted by: Bob the builder | Jun 15, 2021 5:01:36 PM
Hello people the GST has gone up to 12%
Posted by: Bernhard | Jun 15, 2021 5:02:52 PM
Europe never had 2 typesof taxes. One VAT, or "Mehwertsteuer" called. The HST will give all self employed folks an easier way of doing taxes and saving money which will be spend elswhere.
PST is calculated into all products anyways, it just not shown. Look at Newfoundland, it worked out well and jobs have been created out of that. Ontario and BC will be okay, in the long term run.
Posted by: marilen | Jun 15, 2021 5:05:12 PM
It time the people ban to-gether demand a new electoral system so that when there is an election we don't have some there that put in all his or her yes people.
The goverment certainly is not working or listening to us. We are taxed to death and when the elections come around we will hear no new taxes however the new government never seems to have the back bone to remove the thing that are harming our very living. Their excuse is we didn't put it in. Stand up and fight this
HST and Harper's spending on the summit.
Posted by: Peter Nakogee | Jun 15, 2021 5:27:51 PM
I'll be crazy to vote Liberal next election.
Posted by: Jan | Jun 15, 2021 5:34:51 PM
What I don't understand is how 4 installments of $100. each will equal the $1000. rebate that McGuinty promised us way back when he first started pushing the HST at us. Does anyone else remember him promising us all a $1000.? As for me, my rebate is already spent.
Posted by: Lisa | Jun 15, 2021 5:40:31 PM
"Neil"...I'm conservative and I've read up on the HST. The "bribe"...as you so nicely put it is McGuinty's (liberal) doing...NOT Harper. Harper DID say "ok" to it...however I found out the HST is because the PROVINCIAL liberals have put Ontario in a mountain of debt. Harper actually doesn't have much to do with this one. So...maybe you should be getting your facts straight.
I'm glad to see how most people are noticing what the provincial liberals are doing. I am now thinking we will have McGuinty out on the next election. Yes!!
Posted by: David | Jun 15, 2021 6:06:16 PM
Now lets see HST is suppose to create jobs...just how is that going to materialize. If my taxes go up, and HS T is a tax that has a wider taxation base. Then I spend less, thus if I don't buy stuff companies don't have reason to create more jobs. Secondly, how does HST benefit a fixed income taxpayer or a retired taxpayer. Under current PST rules an Ontario taxpayer(low income) would earn a Sales tax rebate(paid quarterly) most of these rebates amounted to $400 or more, now these low income or fixed income taxpayers will gleefully get the great sum of $100(HST REBATE) thus loosing in the game $300 very important $. How does McGuinty justify this as a benefit to low income taxpayers...its a tax on the poor. Then lets see some environmentally aware taxpayers purchased hybrid cars which came with a $2000 PST rebate those that bought their vehicles were lucky they got their refund up front, those that leased their vehicles loose the rebate as of July 1, another rebate reversed...which is the same as being taxed....so where do we benefit from HST...lots of businesses are pushing the buy now and avoid the HST horror. That's short lived...wait until we see the difference between our gas prices from June 30 and then on July 1st...an automatic 8%(plus a little increase for those poor oil companies)...a windfall for Harper...he can't be more happy that Ontario taxpayer will be paying for his $billion G8 &G20 party...and we don't even get to sit by the 2million dollar pond...or bask in the sun on our $50000 Muskoka chairs...oh how I wish I was a pampered reporter...for just those few days...
Posted by: Tony L | Jun 15, 2021 6:08:29 PM
Problem with us Canadians is that we whim and cry foul but when we need to stand up and be counted, we always have an excuse not to get involved. Let us go to Ottawa to rally against the HST, not go to the cottages to go fishing instead.
Posted by: J Vidyy | Jun 15, 2021 6:24:36 PM
I hope that every Ontarian who voted Liberal in the last provincial election because the Conservatives decided that faith based school funding should be available to all faiths and not just Catholic will feel that all the tax increases that flip flop McGuinty has given us was worth it.
Posted by: Loreo | Jun 15, 2021 6:49:03 PM
This so-called "revenue neutral" tax that is being pushed down our throats is supposed to net the federlal gov't an extra 2 billion dollars. How is that revenue neutral? Business will get a break and the average guy is going to pay more. I didn't notice lower prices when the GST was forced upon us and I doubt I will see lower prices after the HST. Here in BC, the gov't campaigns on no new taxes and once they're elected, they do the opposite. No honesty from them at all -- no wonder we're hopping mad. If they had taken the time to inform the population and promote the HST properly, it likely would've been accepted with only a little grumbling (after all, no one LIKES an extra tax). I hope our petion to repeal the HST results in a recall of this arrogant government.
Posted by: Dale Desjardins | Jun 15, 2021 7:37:46 PM
I said to my wife in the beginning that this cheque is nothing but a bribe to try and get us to except this H S T . Is it not illegal to bribe people . Our politicians have been takeing them for so long that they must think this is ok . We have a very high rate of unemployment and all they can think of is adding new taxes , raiseing the amount to be paid to C P P and why not bring in more immigrants . They have this country so messed up .
Posted by: Jus | Jun 15, 2021 7:38:47 PM
I would be more supportive of the HST if I had a business which dealt mainly in cash. The government (HST) just gave the poor little guy an opportunity to make more money by transferring the responsibility of collecting TAXES from industry (higher profit...do you really think they'll pass the savings on to us) to the poor little guy who will fix my car cheaper if I pay cash...I wonder why? Now the government will say we are actually collecting less than we did last year so we need to increase the HST by JUST 1% or 2% to make up for the short fall as we do not know where the money went?? hmmmm. Vicious cycle !!!