Just one week to go before HST hike
Ontario's new Harmonized Sales Tax is just one week away.
What's interesting is that, unlike in B.C. where the backlash has been severe, most Ontario residents seem rather indifferent to the whole thing. Or maybe they just haven't done the math.
While 83% of goods and services -- such as basic groceries, municipal transit and prescription drugs -- will remain untouched by the HST, the remainder will cost the average Ontario family $792 this year, according to a recent NDP study.
The figures, which do not include the one-time transition cheques that Ontarians received this month, suggest that only families with a combined income of less than $20,000 would come out ahead once the HST is in effect.
And that's not a lot of people.
Some products will be eligible for a point of-sale rebate for the provincial part of the HST. This means you'll only pay the 5% federal portion of the HST (equivalent to the current GST). These include print newspapers, books, diapers, children’s clothing and footwear, children’s car seats and booster seats, feminine hygiene products and diapers.
Many household expenses that currently aren't subject to the PST will now be included under the HST, however. These include: basic cable TV, local residential phone, landscaping, lawn care, private snow removal, home renovations, and home service calls by an electrician, plumber or carpenter -- all of which will drive condo fees up as condo corporations pass their costs on through.
HST will now be charged on taxi trips, hotel rooms and any domestic air, rail and bus travel originating in Ontario, effectively making many vacations 8% more expensive.
Private resale of vehicles is also subject to HST, as is the price of gasoline or diesel. Expect to pay HST on gym and athletic memberships, green fees for golf, sports and fitness lessons (ballet, hockey, soccer, etc.), as well as hockey rink and hall rentals.
Massage therapy and fitness training are also subject to the harmonized tax, as are higher ticket items such as legal fees and funeral services.
Is it too late to fight back? Probably. But that hasn't stopped the growing tax revolt on the West Coast.
The Fight HST campaign has close to 700,000 signatures on its petition. A successful petition, approved by Elections BC, would allow the anti-lobby to propose legislation to revoke the HST before the legislature.
Does Ontario need a grass roots movement like that of Bill Vander Zalm? Would you sign up?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Adam Gunn | Jun 23, 2021 11:23:11 AM
Cash only where possible. Oh your business doesn't take cash? Next contractor, cleaning service, lawyer will do. Lowering my services with any business I can too, as they're certainly not going to be passing on the so called savings to business to me the lowly consumer. Heck I'd cancel the hydro and natural gas if i could buy it for cash instead. Internet's going up 8%, hmmm think I'll drop the speed, TV's going up, don't think I need TMN so much anymore(might be good for me to get outside more anyway). I'll shop in Buffalo when possible, start bringing jerry cans of gas with me too. I like the withdraw $10k from the bank idea, unfortunately I don't have it. If Tim's and McDonalds can convince Ontario to not charge for their products, how come Bell, Rogers, Shaw and Cogeco can't....maybe when they see decrease revenues they'll change their minds. Remember how your mpp and mp supported this raping of the average joe come next election and then give your vote to the Rhino's.....oh wait I think they were taxed out of existence.
Posted by: Al | Jun 23, 2021 11:23:27 AM
Why is the press NOT calling mcguinty the biggest liar in Canadian political history? Not one word of truth has been uttered from that mouth since he was elected, but A-holes STILL vote for him!!
Posted by: April | Jun 23, 2021 11:23:43 AM
...AND the extra-infuriating and sad part of this is.....
the extra tax they collect won't make a damn bit of difference to the country or the economy in the long run because they're too incompetent to spend it properly. In 10 years they'll have to introduce another new tax because we're still in the hole. Mark my words.
Posted by: Dean | Jun 23, 2021 11:28:05 AM
Knowing Ontario, they will let Uncle McGuinty lie to us again about not raising taxes and vote in him again. McGuinty is a tax grabber and the Liberals have never seen a tax they don't like.
Come on Ontario, time to tell McGuinty to stuff it and go back to his Mom. Get him out.
HST, another tax grab and I have Gulf, oil soaked, land to sell if you think the businesses are going to pass on the savings. How stupid does Uncle Dalton think we are.
Posted by: Patrick Callaghan | Jun 23, 2021 11:31:27 AM
The real problem with HST, at least in BC, is that the people have spoken...and don't want it, and the Government refuses to listen. Blair Lekstrom, one of the top cabinet ministers in Gordon Campbell's cabinet has just resigned over this issue and left the Liberal Party. When the politicians stop listening to the voters, it is time to take away their signing authority and remove them from the romper room. Don't forget that Campbell's government had just introduced the Carbon Tax, another tax grab..designed to pay for the Olympic over runs, bail outs and excesses ..$Billion for security at the Olympics? Campbell really doesn't care right now about anything but collecting his pension..and since has signalled he is not running again. Thank God.
Ontario voters are so use to their Premier's lies, that they don't care...and deserve what they get.
Posted by: steve | Jun 23, 2021 11:33:06 AM
As probably many people in this economy I work two jobs and had three jobs to get by and pay off my student loan and try to get ahead in life. I didn't vote on this HST tax so says the goverment, I don't remeber it being advertisied because man if it was people wouldn't be sitting back and taking it.
I think we need to squash this as we did the collation goverment and send them a message that we are already taxed enough, so who cares that we get a one time HST cheque, you might as well kick us in the nuts, because when you think about it we are paying alot more in tax.
I think Dalton needs to be kicked out of the liberal party, or find the money somewhere else, so we nedd to get a petition rolling now before it's to late.
Posted by: Julie | Jun 23, 2021 11:37:23 AM
I'm a single mother and I barely make it now. I don't have $700 to spare in a year. I guess this is going to have to come out of the food budget...
Posted by: Gord | Jun 23, 2021 11:41:41 AM
We in Ontario are too complacent. The real effect of the HST added to the Smart Meter/Time of Use Hydro usage will hit home this coming winter, ezpecially Seniors who are likely to change Hydro using habits to the economical off use hours. Opposition parties need to accurately arrive at real numbers of cost to the public and not Political Numbers and hammer the accurate number hame to the Ontario electorate beginning 6 months before the next provincial election. They develope realistic questions for the Public to ASK the liberal contestants when they come knocking to get elected/reeclected. There is NO WAY I couldLiberal this time or any timie soon-they are spending lying fools.
Posted by: nel | Jun 23, 2021 11:52:48 AM
I'm from Nova Scotia where the Liberals didn't get voted in, the NDP did as a total fluke (I think) the NDP had promised not to raise taxes, and what are they doing now? Raising our HST from 13% to 15% just like they said they wouldn't do. So it really doesn't matter who voted for what, for the most part they are all full of CRAP.
Posted by: Terry Payne | Jun 23, 2021 11:54:19 AM
The general population is just to stupid and passive to do anything about it, it will be like a third world country here soon and people still won't do anything, except turn to the people who stole everything from them for help, The Government. the gov't will do what the want, and when the want to society, because canadian are spineless, and to lazy to do anything to make life better for themselves. So you made you bed now lay in it, and don't cry about it when it's to late.
Posted by: Greg | Jun 23, 2021 11:57:20 AM
Not surpirsed in the least by the lack of outrage in Ontario - if this was a PC-led initiative, however, we'd see daily revolts going on the lawn at Queen's Park, petitions with over a million signatures easily, and total and complete news coverage especially by the Globe & Mail.
Posted by: chris | Jun 23, 2021 12:20:10 PM
What I can't HEAR any of you.
Even if everyone signed a petition against the HST there would be some Judge to rule aqainst the petition in the elected governments favor, or some excuse that it can't be dismembered.
Never mind talking about upcoming elections because there are NO current electoral parties that won't as they say screw you. One Way OR ANOTHER, In the eyes of the public or a secret that comes out years later.
If Only some middle class everday worker(s) created a new Tax Dollar Acountability Party to stop the overspending and crazy contracts. But Wait I have never met any person or group that would not be ruled by the money or the power.
AT the end of the day this is what it is.
Chris G
Posted by: Jay Anthony | Jun 23, 2021 12:36:00 PM
This is what happens when we have a dictator for a leader of a majority government. You can't say you didn't see this coming when our current government, which was voted in on a platform of not raising taxes, actually lied and introduced our health tax which comes right off our pay cheque. Now our Furor has sold the province to the federal government, took the feds money, put us on the hook for that payout should the HST be abolished within 5 years. This will be quite the mess to clean up by the new provincial party, which will vote our Furor out next time around. I'm a successful man who won't be hurt by the HST, yet I'm totally outraged to hear news of friends losing their jobs, competing for minimum wage jobs with everyone, and now having to pay more for heat, hydro, gas, telephone, water, sewer, internet etc. So much for family vacations!! Family day at home rolling pennies is more like it!
Posted by: Adrian | Jun 23, 2021 12:38:49 PM
I know we are overburdened with taxes, and the HST is another tax grab by our gov't to pay for the reckless spending over the last couple of years. What bothers me the most is the taxes on taxes concept which is becomming more and more prevalent into our lives. Has anybody checked out the breakdown of the cost of a litre of gas.If our goverments want to drive more and more people into the underground economy then all I can say is well done. All I know for sure is that as prices increase people look for alternatives, whether legal or not. What happens with native cigarettes is just the tip of the iceberg (when and where are the plans for a native brewery/distillery, refinery, etc!!!), soon our governments will start to see a drop in revenue so they will increase taxes again to make up for the shortfalls thus driving more people underground and the cycle continues.
As for the 600k jobs to be created by the HST as preached by my local Liberal MPP, well I have some land in Flordia for sale, waterfront, cheap....
Posted by: Underground Economy | Jun 23, 2021 12:46:12 PM
I'm pretty sure Mike Harris received a multi-million dollar kick-back for the sale of the 407 and I'm sure McGuinty is looking to do the same. How else would you explain the sale of HUGE cash cows? EVERY time I drive past the 407 I find myself wishing for the day that Harris finally takes his place in Hell. Lets' hope we can get McGuinty out of office before he can screw Ontario's already beleaguered residents by enriching himself with the sale of LCBO or OLG.
PS. I'm going to start paying CASH whenever I can as my form of protest.
Posted by: Henry | Jun 23, 2021 12:54:33 PM
All of you are forgetting all of the other taxes that Daddy Dalton has snuck in with out as much as a blip on the radar, green taxes, recycling taxes, health taxes, whats next a tax on air.
Posted by: Travis Turner | Jun 23, 2021 12:55:52 PM
Basically the government bodies are over paid, I think the Senate should be done away with as well. Think about it. The Prime Minister can elect anyone they want for a Senate seat which lasts a life time. These people are usually already well to do and are probably influenced by the same people that elected them. I believe the Senate should be a job for regular Canadians and it should be a random pick such as when your elected for Jury Duty. This would keep our government more honest and give real Canadians a voice and a say in matters where we dont have a say at all. If anyone has any information on how we could set up a petition for this matter email me at mctravist@hotmail.com please.
Posted by: kamraan | Jun 23, 2021 1:07:07 PM
BC liberals are just conservatives, like the wolve in sheeps skin, thats it for me, im not voting liberal anymore, hello NDP
Posted by: Adrian | Jun 23, 2021 1:11:12 PM
You idiots who think that NDP is the answer. you're going from the frying pan into the fire. Liberals and worse yet, the NDP's are all about taking everyones money and giving it back in endless amounts of social programs. Borderline Communism. Conservatives believe in less tax and consequently less social programs....keep the money in the pockets of the consumers, they'll have more money to spend and they'll pay smaller amounts of tax more often. Conservatives know that the government can't run things properly...let the people do it. privatize the LCBO, power plants, etc....don't be afraid of companies making a profit...
Posted by: Chris | Jun 23, 2021 1:23:35 PM
So..If I understand some of these comments, as a business owner, I should lower my prices to lessen the blow of the HST to the consumer. Lowered price = lowered service. It is expensive enough to try and run a businness successfully, without being expected to lower my prices to accomodate a tax I don't want or support. Seriously, even if your income taxes go down, due to having increased expenses, the net $ going to the government is going to be about the same. Hard earned money coming or hard earned money going. Good old dumb-a$$ dalton!