Canadians among laziest people on the planet
We Canadians pride ourselves on being a hard-working bunch.
But, by global standards, it seems we're actually a bit lazy.
And things may even get worse, according to research from the Daily Beast, which ranks Canadians among the laziest people on the planet, eclipsed only by our indolent friends across the border.
Looking at those four categories, the U.S. was first in calories and watching the most TV – enough for the top spot. We come in right behind them, however, largely because we’re near the top of the list when it comes to Internet usage -- although maybe several months of winter has something to do with it.
Belgium stood third while Turkey landed the fourth spot.
1. United States
2. Canada
3. Belgium
4. Turkey
5. Great Britain
6. Poland
7. Mexico
8. France
9. Germany
10. Portugal
The last in the survey was Switzerland since its people seem to spend the least amount of time in front of the TV of all the 24 countries listed.Tell us what you think: Are Canadians really a bunch of slackers?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Canadain pride | Mar 22, 2022 11:45:39 AM
Some of you are taking this too personally. I don't think this article has anything to do with "picking up garbage or talking on a call phone at the gym. Some fool compared TV and Internet usage against other countries and wrote an article on it. How accurate can this be?? There are too many siuations to consider for this mean anything. We Canadains know how hard we work. This being said....we lazy Canadians can't have done too badly - 'cause ya all wanna come here to live. ;)
Posted by: Paranormal Freak | Mar 22, 2022 11:56:11 AM
Automation in everything. Fast food and not cooking at home, watching videos and ordering pizza or KFC or chinese food, playing video games a lot, surfing the net, etc. These are all signs of a lazy population. When you automate things, that means you do not do things anymore. It is automated. Companies do that a lot. To save money or to avoid human errors, they automate tasks so now instead of doing things manually, it is automatically done for you. No exactly our fault but the signs of the times. Also most manufacturing jobs already have been shipped to china and asia where labour is cheaper. What can we do? Nothing. We can't control that situation anyways. Most Canadians have to find work so if all the good paying jobs are in computers then there is nothing you can do because sitting in front of the computer is what is paying your bills.
Posted by: Patsy Campbell | Mar 22, 2022 11:57:23 AM
Yes I think that Canadians are lazy because of all the things that go on. People are more interested in drugs that is given out by doctors and selling it. Teenagers are more involved in this because of highly fashions, magazines, and boys. They get carried away by the things that go on all the time such as dropping out of school because of music like rap that not needing education to become a musician or becoming a model or movie star at a young age. They should get adults more involved with society to keep a highly involved in education for children. Its the parents not keeping an eye out for their children even when they get on their late teens which would need discipline. Alot of canadians are lazy too, getting into junk food getting sick from it and gaining wieght from all of this. making harder for people to be strong minded of what to do about this situation. I am only 19 years old but the way I see society its helpless because everyone wants something good in their lifes. Communities are the hardest places to live because of their leaders not really doing a good job on what they need to do as in this community i grew up nothing is here to keep people occupied, and the theft that is always happening. WE NEED HELP IN EVERY WAY!!
Posted by: Lynn stratton | Mar 22, 2022 12:13:37 PM
We canadians are not lazy on the whole. Many of us work 2 jobs. I am a member of Midland Lions Club and do volunteer work with them as well as working 2 jobs. Several of our members are in their 70s and are still working full-time. If we are fatter than people of other countries then maybe it's because we are so busy working that we don't have any time, money, or energy left over for outside excercise. I think that Malcolm is wrong, period.
Posted by: heather buffett | Mar 22, 2022 12:22:03 PM
Iam a Canadian and have been living in the unites states for 6 years and we are certainly not lazy tha is why us try to get us to come to the us, the americains are very lazy they want something for nothing, and that I mean the are either on food stamps or section 8 and there are lots off jobs but the want to get rich quit, but us canadians work long and hard hours at anything, yo make ends meat. So give me a break in Americia the rich get rich and the poor get poor.Canada is the greatest countre in the world and i cannot wait too get back
Posted by: MadMike | Mar 22, 2022 12:44:22 PM
This thread is Fail.
Do you guys know that someone who claims rufuge status actually gets more money\benefits than a Canadian who has worked for 50 years..
I think anybody who has moved here and wants to call us lazy can gtfo!
Posted by: Canadian | Mar 22, 2022 1:00:14 PM
Clearly, the average european work week or the average number of holiday days isn't factored into the equation, or the fact that countries like Italy and France lterally shut down for the month of August. As for the time is takes to get things done, every spent any time in the UK, after living there for 5 years and watching construction projects that would be done in 2-3 months in Canada (namely summer) take 2-3 years in the UK. Never mind any of the African countries, I think its incredibly unfair and insulting to say just due to the number of hours of TV and internet Canadians use to say we are the laziest
Posted by: bry | Mar 22, 2022 1:11:13 PM
Maybe providing more work for Canadians will make them less lazy! Also who cares what people do with their spare time it shouldnt be any of your concerns. I watch tv and workout at the same time so what does this prove?
Posted by: stadler | Mar 22, 2022 1:16:30 PM
I'm a little bit sad every time I read one of these trash articles, to think this is what journalism has come to. What a load of garbage.
Posted by: Si! | Mar 22, 2022 1:27:49 PM
Have we forgotten that a lot of "Canadians" are actually immigrants?
Posted by: Design Girl | Mar 22, 2022 1:39:21 PM
Re: had-enough
Wow! I'm so sick of tired of you closeted bigoted racist. You're so nice in our faces (read immigrant faces) and don't have the balls to tell us what you think about us but on the internet you are so BRAVE. By the way, what does comment by Yuri have to do with IMMIGRANTS anyway or you just ASSUMED (and you know what they say about ASSUME) that he was some immigrant piece of trash. And where did you get the Stats that "There are more immigrants living off "the system" than Canadians" Statistics Canada. I've lived in Nova Scotia for 10 years and have seen more Canadian born Haligonians on welfare than immigrants. And let me enlighten you on something my dear, immigrants don't get FREE EDUCATION in Canada!!! We don't get anything for FREE!!!! When I came to Canada 15 years ago I had to sign that I'll pay off Government of Canada loan in order to immigrate to Canada (loan was for the price of the trip). If you didn't pay it they would take if from you income tax refund. I also went to school for five years and ended up 43K in student loans. I borrowed the money that I knew I HAD TO PAY OFF. That's how my parents brought me up! I almost paid all my loan even though I graduated 6 years ago. Half of my Canadian-born friends who graduated at the same time defaulted on their student loan and haven't paid it yet. How is that for a burden on YOUR precious system?
P.S. When you find a country that offers free education let me know. I'm in!
Posted by: laazzyyy | Mar 22, 2022 1:46:09 PM
true. you see a bunch of office workers at Tims all day long.
Posted by: lisa | Mar 22, 2022 1:48:59 PM
Re: Juri, go back where ya came from.....
As far as the writer of this article , clearly > you have far to much time on your hands....
I love Canada!!!! I don't think we are lazy, just tired from bending over backwards to please all the immigrants and foreingers, making sure we PLEASE everyone else, oh and we obviously don't spend that much time in front of the TV unless of course it's to watch as we KICK ASS in the Olympics.
Geezus, this made me mad........
Posted by: laazzyy | Mar 22, 2022 2:03:56 PM
to those who complain about the immigrants, i say know your HISTORY. you all are immigrants. when you hate or bash "immigrants", YOU BASH YOUR OWN HISTORY. shame on you.
Posted by: Design Girl | Mar 22, 2022 2:04:36 PM
Re: MadMike
"Do you guys know that someone who claims rufuge status actually gets more money\benefits than a Canadian who has worked for 50 years.."
Wow!!! Really, and why would that be? So, let me see you come to the foreign country claim a refugee status and you get money/benefits! Seriously, how retarded you can be to believe this garbage!!! When you come and claim refugee status your case must be heard by a judge. You also have to prove to the judge that you will be in fear for your life if you go back to your country of origin. As of March of 2009, Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) approved 7,554 refugee and asylum claimants. Keep in mind that number of refugee claims referred to the IRB in 2009 was 34,000. So, 22.2% of claimants have their claims approved!!!! I know a female who has been raped in her country of origin based on her nationality and a judge rejected her claim. How's that for benefits!!! You think our beloved Canada would be a land of prosperity if we were handing out money to anyone who claimed refugee status!
Posted by: Mike Krawl | Mar 22, 2022 2:09:38 PM
Yeah we're lazy. We have professional dog washers, maids and people to cut our lawns. When you use hire these services, people will tell you that your lazy.
Posted by: Marc Wouters | Mar 22, 2022 2:13:58 PM
To the author of this article; I am employed in the Aquaculture industry on the west coast of Canada. My job requires that I work away from my wife and children for extended periods, most often in some of the most unfavorable conditions you could imagine. I gladly do this and take pride in my work. Why? Because I'm putting food on people's tables. When was the last time you got your hands dirty? or had to work outside in sub-zero temperature? I think you should get a real job instead of bashing the hard working people who keep our country going
Posted by: DNAS | Mar 22, 2022 2:17:22 PM
Seems every time i turn around theres someone calling Canadians Lazy? like seriously.. have you even Been to our country?
How is it we break world records at the Olympics? gotta be some lazy country to do that.
The poll that was completed.. what were the age groups of said TV and Internet consumption?
did you take into account internet usage thats connected 24/7 like businesses, Cable internet etc..?
or just a general overall consumption of the whole country?
Posted by: Chuck | Mar 22, 2022 2:20:21 PM
It's called Socialism and Entitlements! Yes i believe we are lazy! Like in an earlier comment i read. Put it on a silver platter and then and only then will a Canadian consider it. Why shouldn't we. The government spoon feeds us anyway. Just the way they like it!
Posted by: cool guy | Mar 22, 2022 2:34:23 PM
re: had enough, who wrote:
Did you know that paying welfare to foreiners in Canada is a huge burden to our economy. There are more immigrants living off "the system" than Canadians. Some of you people kill me - you come to Canada, get free education, health care. social assistance and all you do is trash talk the country.
Have you done research on any of these claims. You need to get out more, and it saddens me that you find excitement in going out to Wallmart on your Saturdays.
You need to realize that Canada is an immigrant country and immigrants help make it a stronger country. If not, then how can we even claim to be a free and world class country.